This yearly list ranks the 25 fastest growing companies in Indianapolis area based on year over year growth of revenue. DB Services ranked 20th out of 25, with 78% revenue growth from FY 2017 to 2019.
DB Services CEO, Kevin Hammond, shared his thoughts on the ranking: “DB Services is proud to be a growing member of the Indianapolis tech community. Since our start in 2003, our goal has been to help bring Indianapolis to the forefront of tech, and to be a fast-growing and innovative company. Making the IBJ Fast 25 list is confirmation that we’re on the right path to both of those goals.”
In the article, Hammond also shares the secret to DB Services’ growth: customer relationships and a team that “goes beyond the technical skills set.”
DB Services is proud to be a growing member of the Indianapolis community, and thanks the IBJ for their recognition of our team. We look forward to continued growth and innovation for years to come for our customers and employees!
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