DB Services has chosen to support Together Rising in Q2 of 2024 with our Surveys for Success program. Together Rising is an all-women-led nonprofit that focuses on transforming collective heartbreak into effective action. The Surveys for Success program is our way of saying thank you for our customers' valuable feedback by paying it forward to those in need.
The team at Together Rising travels across the globe to help wherever its impact is needed. They are focused on helping women, families, and children in crisis. From funding cancer treatments for underprivileged families or college tuition for ill students to providing supplies and support for refugee families and children in war zones, the list goes on. They are currently heavily focused on reuniting separated families in war-torn areas such as Palestine and providing relief to all affected countries. As of 2022, Together Rising has distributed almost $40 million to people in crisis all over the world.
Each customer survey we receive is an additional donation towards Together Rising. Your feedback will not only help our team at DB Services, but also provide Together Rising with donations to further support people in need, everywhere. Together, we can make a positive impact!
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