DB Services has chosen to support Women Innovating Together in Quarter 3 of 2023 with our Surveys for Success program. Women Innovating Together is a volunteer-run nonprofit that exists to provide visibility, community, and resources for women working with Claris products. The Surveys for Success program is our way of saying thank you for our customers' valuable feedback by paying it forward to those in need.
Women Innovating Together began in 1999 as an unofficial meet-up for Women of FileMaker (WoF). This group of women was passionate about the many ways that the FileMaker platform improved their professional and personal lives. The group grew in popularity, and in 2006, FileMaker, Inc. became officially involved in planning the logistics of these meet-ups.
Visibility, community, and resources are at the heart of Women Innovating Together's mission. They strive to be a voice for the growing number of women in tech. There are regular events that can be found on their calendar and a wealth of resources for those who would like to learn more or just keep up with current trends in tech. Their resources page has something for everyone; its purpose is to promote a variety of things women are doing in the tech community.
Each customer survey we receive is an additional donation towards Women Innovating Together. Your feedback will not only help our team at DB Services, but also provide Women Innovating Together with donations to further their important mission. With your help, we can help support women tech professionals in this area and many others!
Did you know we are an authorized reseller for Claris FileMaker Licensing?
Contact us to discuss upgrading your Claris FileMaker software.